
Welcome to A Musician's Tarradiddle!  I know what you are thinking, "what is a tarradidle?"  Simply stated, "A Musician's Tale" was already taken and I happen to be addicted to online thesauruses.  Although the term "tar·ra·did·dle also tar·a·did·dle (tr-ddl)" also implies " a petty falsehood or fib" or "silly pretentious speech or writing," the content of the blog will include my experiences, reflections, opinions, and so on.  I am no one truly magnificent, just a recently married music education and music therapy major who apparently thinks it would be fun to share some thoughts.  I hope you are not disappointed ; )  Sit back and enjoy the soundtrack of my life.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

All those lovely old ladies must be geniuses...

I've just recently taken up knitting since I actually have a bit of what most people call "free time" (which should probably include more practicing and preparation...I'll get on that...).  I wanted to do something useful, so I decided to knit for some sort of cause.  There are a few nonspecific organizations, but I settled on knitting little baby hats and/or booties for local hospitals.  I figured "why knit for myself?  One can really only have so many scarves...during the summer..."  My husband kindly admitted to being slightly relieved that my crafting would not end up all over our apartment and instead would be given to charity.
Of course I really don't want to pay for any patterns at this point, because as I've discovered, knitting must be best suited for those lovely older ladies who are patient and have some sort of crafting genius.  Yes, you can Google "easy" or "beginner" patterns for such projects, but with a closer look, I'm a bit overwhelmed.  Thank goodness for YouTube and many kind knitting enthusiasts who post glossaries and "how tos."  Stay tuned for improvements (keep your fingers crossed) upon my hat making because this little guy is a bit sad...I wouldn't let any cute baby wear my first hat attempt...notice the not-so-small air vents...

An update on my knitting...This little blue hat was my second attempt.  Things were going well until I reversed the "right side" of the project and ended up with a textured stripe.  I thought I could make this intentional by simply creating more stripes, but then I messed up somewhere again (definitely some grumpiness) and the stripes were totally random, so on and so forth.  My solution: knit the hat longer and turn it up ; )  I hope this one is an improvement???   Maybe some little baby out there would appreciate this hat...or maybe the baby who receives this hat will look back as a young adult and insist his parents were crazy for letting him wear such a thing!  I haven't given up yet folks and I am determined to become the best baby hat knitter I can be!

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