
Welcome to A Musician's Tarradiddle!  I know what you are thinking, "what is a tarradidle?"  Simply stated, "A Musician's Tale" was already taken and I happen to be addicted to online thesauruses.  Although the term "tar·ra·did·dle also tar·a·did·dle (tr-ddl)" also implies " a petty falsehood or fib" or "silly pretentious speech or writing," the content of the blog will include my experiences, reflections, opinions, and so on.  I am no one truly magnificent, just a recently married music education and music therapy major who apparently thinks it would be fun to share some thoughts.  I hope you are not disappointed ; )  Sit back and enjoy the soundtrack of my life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010


As a recent graduate with a complete realization of the cost of living (especially after moving 500 miles from home), I am exceptionally grateful for the suggestions of just about the most awesome furniture store ever--IKEA.  If you are looking for pretty much any type or style of furniture, IKEA is the place to go.  The furniture seems to be of good quality for amazing prices.  My then fiance and I visited for the first time and were hooked.  I'm actually comfortably situated on our IKEA couch as I type and our entire apartment is furnished with the same.  I feel quite spoiled with all new furniture, and I know there is no way we could have done this with the outrageously priced furniture we saw everywhere else.  We've made many trips to IKEA and every time I see those big flags waving in the wind, I can't help but sing,"IiiiiKEEEAAAA!"  Thank goodness my husband loves me and I'm not tone deaf!

I would not recommend this shopping experience for those who are instructionally challenged or intolerant since the furniture comes in boxes to be assembled at home.  The instructions are easy to follow, but some pieces are a test of perseverance and patience.  That is why I assisted with the furniture and James took over and let me do the fun stuff.  Apparently I was completely unaware of my husband's fascination with furniture and low-key power tools.  It's like Legos or Tinker Toys to the extreme!   

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