
Welcome to A Musician's Tarradiddle!  I know what you are thinking, "what is a tarradidle?"  Simply stated, "A Musician's Tale" was already taken and I happen to be addicted to online thesauruses.  Although the term "tar·ra·did·dle also tar·a·did·dle (tr-ddl)" also implies " a petty falsehood or fib" or "silly pretentious speech or writing," the content of the blog will include my experiences, reflections, opinions, and so on.  I am no one truly magnificent, just a recently married music education and music therapy major who apparently thinks it would be fun to share some thoughts.  I hope you are not disappointed ; )  Sit back and enjoy the soundtrack of my life.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

At Home With Music

I never imagined I'd be a music teacher, let alone a music therapist.  All through high school I did well in band and choir.  I guess I had a knack for it.  Don't get me wrong--I was not a child prodigy or anything, and I did my fair share of practicing.  I was always amazed at the upperclassmen in the music classes, you know the type--solos here and there, lead roles in the musical, the ones who sit at the piano and "just play" something ingenious.  I virtually worshiped the ground they walked on!  I never thought I'd be one of them.  Sure, I loved music, but I was never confident like they seemed.  I enjoyed many subjects and had no idea I would end up in the world of music (in the case of young children, bless their hearts, very special music).

I've been singing and dancing since I was young.  My parents said I sang about everything and couldn't sit still.  How thankful I am they were an attentive audience at every "performance" from singing into a Play School microphone around the house, dancing on stage, my last performance as a member of the college jazz choir, and finally to conducting the bands at my student teaching placement.  The greatest thing is, I know they will be there whenever physically possible for every performance in the future.

Of all the performances of various sorts, I've never felt as comfortable as I do praising God.  I remember as a young child feeling somehow different when singing in church or children's choir than anywhere else.  This continued as I got older and actively participated in the youth choir at church and even now as I sing some great Christian radio in the car.  I would like to think God looks down on me and smiles when he sees me rockin' out in the car and I know He smiles when he sees children making music.  I am thankful to be even just a tiny part of that miracle.

Now I smile at the sound of children singing, no matter how out of tune and I can't tell you how amazing it is to see a student just get it.  Music can be one of the most motivating subjects for kids and a music teacher can turn out to be the person who they turn to when their world is upside down as well as when it couldn't be better.  This is why I am confident I found my path and I couldn't be singing a happier tune.

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