
Welcome to A Musician's Tarradiddle!  I know what you are thinking, "what is a tarradidle?"  Simply stated, "A Musician's Tale" was already taken and I happen to be addicted to online thesauruses.  Although the term "tar·ra·did·dle also tar·a·did·dle (tr-ddl)" also implies " a petty falsehood or fib" or "silly pretentious speech or writing," the content of the blog will include my experiences, reflections, opinions, and so on.  I am no one truly magnificent, just a recently married music education and music therapy major who apparently thinks it would be fun to share some thoughts.  I hope you are not disappointed ; )  Sit back and enjoy the soundtrack of my life.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Let me be

Let me be the feet that faithfully journey onward, those that can't sit still.

Let me be your hands that freely serve,  just following your will.

Let me be the fire that keeps on burning and sets your heart ablaze, 

Let me be the light that shatters the darkness, in your presence I'm so amazed.

Let me be the strength that won't let go, and holds onto hope, the joy that warms your heart...

Let me be the voice that makes you want to sing,
that shouts your name from the mountain tops and reaches to the depths of the sea,

Oh Lord, please shine through me.

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